Start a game in Yose and prove your endgame abilites! Then switch colours and adapt.

* Rules: The players are given a recording of the last stage of an interesting game. The players will pick colors (Nigiri) and finish the game, recording the final score. Afterward, they swap colors and finish the game with opposite colors. The sum of the scores will be the result of the match. Wins in the individual games don’t count.
* Registration: until Wednesday 2th August 10 a.m.
* Rounds: 4-5
* Starting Times: Wednesday, 2nd of August, 2:30 p.m. and then each half an hour for each round
* Time Setting: 5 min preparation time and then 5 min + 15 sec Fischer Time
* Board: 19×19
* Handicap: no
* Komi: doesn´t matter
* Rooms: B2
* Prizegiving: during closing ceremony