Referee Workshop

On Wednesday 2nd August there will be a referee workshop. If you would like to attend, please send a registration mail to workshop@egc2023.de before Wednesday 26th of July. After completing the workshop, the newly qualified referees will be entered into the EGF referee directory. Rooms: …

Yose Tournament

Start a game in Yose and prove your endgame abilites! Then switch colours and adapt. * Rules: The players are given a recording of the last stage of an interesting game. The players will pick colors (Nigiri) and finish the game, recording the final score. …

Frisbee Go

This is an outdoor activity and may be cancelled or moved based on the weather conditions. The goban is created by placing a net on the grass. Black and white frisbees are used as stones. Stones are placed by throwing them from outside the board. …

Rengo Tournament

This is a fun five-round tournament taking place on the free day, Wednesday 2nd August, where you play as a team of three players on one board in 5 rounds. Handicaps will be given according to the average rank of the players (rounded down). Teams …