The European Championship is the most prestigious event of the EGC. Only the best 32 European players can participate, using the European Championship System, to decide the best Go player for 2023. In 2022, Benjamin Dréan-Guénaïzia (7d, France) won the championship in Vatra Dornei. For all information, the registration and the past winners, go to the homepage of the European Go Federation. Most games will be broadcasted and live commentary on Twitch is planned, too. Check out our social media to keep up-to-date.
- Rules: double knockout tournament for the 32 strongest pre-registered European Go players. For lunch between 12 p.m. and 14 p.m. a move can be sealed. All information on
- * Registration: Participation is only possible with pre-registration until 31th of May on the homepage of the EGF, for the top 32 european players concerning EGF-Rating for the last 12 month.
- * Rounds: 8
- * Starting times: Sunday 23rd: 11 a.m. ; Monday 24th until Friday 28th: 10 a.m.; Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th: 11 a.m.
- * Time Setting: Fischer Time with 80 min + 40 sec
- * Board size: 19×19
- * Handicap: no
- * Komi: no
- * Rooms: C3 (Building C 3rd floor)
- * Prizegiving: Sunday 30th July 6 p.m.